Pashley Cycle's Managing Director, Adrian Williams, riding a Roadster bicycle in Boulder City Nevada.

Pashley Guv'nor creates a buzz at Interbike 08

"Such a classic style… Pashley hit the nail on the head with the Guvnor."
New Design - 'Alright Guv'nor' Reading Pashley Guv'nor creates a buzz at Interbike 08 1 minute Next Bicycling (US) - Roadster Sovereign

You might think the above headline relates to Pashley's wonderful new Guv'nor bicycle, and it does, but Pashley's very own Guv'nor (or Managing Director if you prefer formality) Adrian Williams is at America's biggest bike show spreading the Pashley word. See the below links for images and blogs of a little company from over here that is doing rather well over there!