Please find your nearest store on the map below.
We would not wish for you to be disappointed, so it might be best to call ahead to check a store's stock availability, although you can order our products from any store.
If you do not see a Pashley dealer listed in your country, please contact us via our online form or call us on +44(0)1789 292 263 between 9am-5pm GMT (Monday-Friday), and we will assist you with your enquiry.
Map Key

Premier Stockist
A specialist Pashley dealer with a large range of Pashleys on display.

A Pashley dealer with a small range of Pashleys on display.

Trike Specialist
A Pashley dealer with an excellent knowledge of Pashley tricycles.

A dealer who can order a Pashley for you to be delivered to their store.
Dealer Enquiry
If you are interested in becoming a UK or International Pashley dealer, please contact us via our contact page or call us on +44(0)1789 292 263.