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Pashley News

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Man standing by the river Avon and next to a bright orange classic racer bicycle and a white vintage bicycle.

The Joy of 'Pash'

Steve Deeks - racing driver, pilot and presenter - reviews his custom Pashley-Morgan bike, fondly named 'Pash'.
A 2014 article from the Urban Cyclist magazine featuring the Pashley SPEED 5 path racer bicycle.

Urban Cyclist Review: Speed 5 is the "The Boss"

'It’s a charming bounder of a bicycle.'
A blue Pashley Britannia bicycle in the snow.

The Bike List- Britannia in Blue

'You almost feel like you are gliding along the road...'
Image of The Bicycle Buyer article showing a lady in a striped t-shirt riding a Pashley Sonnet Bliss with a large wicker basket.

The Bicycle Buyer- Regal Rollers

British Classics Test... Best Performer!
Large studio photo of the Pashley Guv'nor in Octane magazine.

Octane - The Guv'nor

'The Guv'nor is one of the most delightful pieces of engineering GEAR has seen, and is ideal for strapping to the back of your classic or vintage car.'
Pashley Princess Classic bike in black sat in front of two town house doors in the City of Bath.

The Independent - Top Ten Bikes

'...the basket adds to the quaint air.'
Magazine page from Bicycling magazine October 2008 edition reviewing the Pashley Roadster Sovereign.

Bicycling (US) - Roadster Sovereign

'It glides along, relaxed and regal, covering distances comfortably...'
Front page of a Cycling Plus magazine article featuring the Pashley Guv'nor.

Cycling Plus - Best of British

'Retro quality and style that you'll want now'
Image of a Stuff Magazine article showing photo of Pashley Guv'nor Path Racer bicycle with leather saddle

Stuff Magazine - Iconic Guv'nor

'It's an icon of British design, in a way that makes the Chopper look silly.'